2016 香港工商業獎:升級轉型 [報名]

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Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Upgrading and Transformation Call for Entry




  • To encourage and recognise those enterprises that have reformed their core business to adapt to the ever-changing market and business environment through participating in the Upgrading and Transformation Programme so as to continuously enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong enterprises.
  • To affirm the importance of Upgrading and Transformation to the industrial sector as well as Hong Kong’s economy.


  • 參賽單位必須已在香港註冊一年或以上及有實體經濟活動的企業,資助機構或非政府部門法定機構亦可,但不包括香港特區政府部門/機構。
  • 參賽單位必須從事工業,例如電子、塑膠、紡織、玩具等。
  • 參賽單位的升級轉型計劃必須在過去三年以內取得階段性成果,該計劃的全部或部份項目必須在香港策劃或推行,並能夠提供升級轉型計劃的詳情。
  • 香港工商業獎有五個以公司為獲獎單位的組別,包括顧客服務、創意、生產力及品質、科技成就,以及升級轉型。參賽單位在同一年度內,只可參與當中不超過兩個組別的競逐 (每組別只限參賽一次)。
  • 香港工商業大獎和組別獎只會頒發予以公司或公司部門身份參賽的機構,以項目身份參賽的機構將不獲考慮。而香港工商業獎優異證書可頒發予以項目身份參賽的機構,但有關項目須屬長期性質(例如一年)。


  • Entrants must be registered business entities with substantial economic activities in Hong Kong for at least one year. The Award will be open to all qualified applicants including public- funded or non-government statutory institutions. However, HKSAR Government departments or agencies are not eligible for participating in the Award.
  • Entrants must operate in industrial sector such as electronics, plastics, textiles, toys, etc.
  • Entrants participating in the Award Category of Upgrading and Transformation should have attained phased achievements in the past 3 years. The whole Upgrading and Transformation Programme or parts of it must be planned and or implemented in Hong Kong. Entrants should be able to provide details of their Upgrading and Transformation Programmes.
  • Among the five company-based categories, of the Hong Kong Awards for Industries i.e. Customer Service, Innovation & Creativity, Productivity & Quality, Technological Achievement and Upgrading and Transformation, an entrant can take part in no more than two of these categories in the same year (one entry for each category only).
  • Grand Award and Category Award will be considered on the basis of a company, or a particular division of a company, rather than a project. Certificate of Merit might be considered on a project basis but the project should be implemented on a longer term basis (like a year).



  1. 變革的願景及目標
  2. 計劃方案
  3. 執行與調整
  4. 計劃的成效
  5. 變革的可持續性

Judging Criteria

The core business reform programme will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Visions and Objectives of Reform
  2. Programme Plan
  3. Implementation and Adjustment
  4. Effectiveness of Programme
  5. Sustainability of Reform


開始接受報名      2016年4月5日
截止報名        2016年6月3日
第一階段及第二階段評審 2016年6月至9月
第三階段:最終評審      2016年9月
頒獎典禮           2016年12月13日

Time Table

Open for Entry            5 April 2016
Closing for Entry           3 June 2016
Phase 1 & 2 Assessment        June – September 2016
Phase 3: Final Judging          September 2016
Winners Award Presentation Ceremony 13 December 2016



Upgrading and Transformation Entry Brochure & Application Form Download

Entry Brochure
Application Form


For further details regarding Hong Kong Awards for Industries, please visit Hong Kong Awards for Industries website.

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